Thursday 10 March 2011
No camera today, thought I'd make notes anyway. Waiting for film to be developed, 1 hour processing.
'Once upon a time in a magical land of beautiful shoes' ... a girl stands waiting, hair troubled by the blustery wind, short, choppy, styled. She's petite, possibly oriental. Small bright red cardigan, clasping a patent bag, also bright and twice the size or more of her petite frame. She smiles stepping into the main area of the high street and greets a friend. Wind. Balloons. Red and bright green. It's lunch hour 1.03pm. Blue sky and sunshine fades in and out of fast moving thin clouds. The pace of the people is fast, purposeful, in all directions crossing each other. I'm looking into an arcade from a coffee shop. A man walks by holding a basket ball, he begins to bounce it, somehow out of place. The weather has been erratic all day. A fine rain now decends, blue sky remains. Behind me I hear excited chatter from two women in a language Im not sure of. Possibly Eastern European. I hear intonation I vaguely recognise from my trips there. A girl and a boy walk past, hand in hand at a slower pace. She points in the shoe shop.
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